Knight Squad Wiki

A Knight to Remember is the first episode in Season 2 of Knight Squad. It first aired on February 2, 2019 to an audience of 0.81 million viewers.


When big-mouthed Prudence learns of Arc and Ciara's secrets, she is so shocked that she causes an earthquake. She agrees to have the secrets wiped from her memory before accidentally exposing her friends to the entire kingdom. However, she walks too far on the Lane of Memory and forgets Arc and Ciara’s relationship with her. She starts attacking them because they want to use a stick to restore her memory. Later, Ciara manages to convince Prudy with her princess identity.

Meanwhile, Sir Gareth teaches the students about responsibility by taking care of Slobberpuff eggs.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • Prudence now knows Ciara and Arc's secrets.
  • This episode is most likely set before Knight & Danger as this episode picks up right where season one ended.


  • This is the first episode of Season 2.
  • A crossover special with Henry Danger titled Knight & Danger aired on the same day as this episode.
  • The training yard looks different this season.
  • This is the highest rated episode since A Thief in the Knight which aired in June of 2018.
  • Chris Tallman appears in this episode, he previously wrote the episode A Knight's Tail.
    • Interestingly, both involve having Ciara's secret in jeopardy.
  • It is unknown if Slobwick is related to the baby slobberpuffs.
  • Arc's dad from Take Me Home to Knight is mentioned.
  • Warwick is now the only one in Phoenix Squad who doesn't know about Ciara and Arc.
  • Warwick and Buttercup grow a friendship in this episode.
  • It is said Buttercup's great great uncle was the inventor of the poncho, meaning she is partly mexican.
  • The Giant Housewives of Astoria is a parody of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
Season 1
Opening KnightA Knight at the RoxburyKnight in Shining Armor DayOne Magical KnightTonight, Two KnightThe Dork Knight ReturnsA Knight's TailParent Teacher KnightA Thief in the KnightDo the Knight ThingTake Me Home to KnightA Total KnightmareFight for Your Knight to PartyFright KnightA Knight in the NightLittle Knight LiesEnd of the Knight, Part 1End of the Knight, Part 2
Season 2
A Knight to RememberLove at First KnightMid-Knight in the Garden of Good and EvilIn the Gill of the KnightThe Knight StuffKnight of the Living DeadKnight GliderTwo Wrongs Don't Make a KnightElection KnightClosing Knight