“ | Are we really done dealing with Sage? | ” |
— Lucky to Kraipan
Lucky is a character on Knight Squad and a member of Kraken Squad. He is portrayed by Lucky Davis.
- Lucky does not join Knight School until the third episode.
- In End of the Knight, Part 1, Lucky is shown as ranking fourth in Knight School. He is outranked only by Arc, Ciara, and Sage.
- In Two Wrongs Don't Make a Knight, Ciara knocks him to the ground in a game invented by Sir Gareth and gives him the nickname Unlucky.
- In addition to playing the part of Lucky, Lucky Davis also plays the part of Warwick when he is a stunt double for Amarr M. Wooten.
- Even though he appears in most episodes, Lucky Davis doesn't receive an onscreen cast credit until the series finale. This is also the only episode where he has any lines.