Spells are mostly used by Spitzalot School of Sorcery since they use spells for their training. Spells are capable of doing things the user wants and could be used as an advantage of cheating which Team Hex did.
Spell | Usage | Casted By | Episode(s) |
It removes an item out of a painting from the walls (or picture from a Magic Mirror as seen in A Thief in the Knight). |
If the item came out of the painting. it puts back the item. |
The spell could break chains. |
Spell is used to remove a difficult item like the Friendship Bracelets. |
This spell is used to hit the enemy. |
Used to teleport the user's things to their location. |
The spell teleports Phoenix Squad to another location. |
The spell can give an invisible strength for the user. |
Used to make someone else tell the truth permanently. |
Makes a bottle float in midair to the user |
Clonos, Benjamin, Splatz | Creates a magic pocket watch that can change anyone's age |
Take thee outie axie-waxie! | A Spell that supposed to cause an
enemy (Ambala) to loose their balance |
Quark anky, stoppy stoppy! | freezes a person |
Batamus wingy blingy | gives the user bat wings |
Cerebellumus, fakey-makey! | creates fake brains |
micro-wavey |
melts ice or heats something |